
BBC: Blood

Topic: Blood

Short summary:
Here in Japan blood isn’t just important for medicine and science, it’s also got big implications for life, work and love.
“What’s your blood type?” is often a key question in everything from matchmaking to getting a job. A person’s blood type is popularly believed to determine temperament and personality.

Other imformation you have researched:
The О type is generally said to be generous. B type is self-centered and a moody person. A type is meticulous and AB type is the unusual character.
It is supposed in Japan that a blood type shows character. Many books about a blood type are also published. And, there is also much fortune-telling by blood group.

Your opinion about the toic and reason:
I think that the character has nothing to do with a blood type. I'm A type. A type is said meticulous but I'm very blunder and I make a mstake. And A type is said preciseness but my room is dirty. I 'm weak in rearranging order.

elllo: Rainy Routine

Title: Rainy Routine

Short summary:
Valeria and Diego discuss how rain can influence routines in South America. If it rains two or three days, it causes many problems. For example, the rivers flood the city, and sometimes it collapses. Also the subway should stop. People have to change their schedules in a rainy day.

Other information you have researched:
Acid rain is one of the most serious problems in the world. Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. It has been shown to have adverse impacts on forests, freshwaters and soils, killing insect and aquatic life-forms.

Your opinion about the topic and reason:
I agree with the view that people change their schedules on rainy days. It is difficult for Japanese to think seriously the problems on rainy days, because a lot of city are structured strongly. However, we have to care for the suffering of rain.

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BBC: Pretty in pink?

Title: Pretty in pink?
Short Summary:
You can't generalize that pink is popular them like pink. However, actually, a lot of parents feel sure that young
girls like pink. Also, there is a strategy items in pink.
Other information you have reserched:
Each color has each image. The images of red are life force, warmth and energish. The images of blue are hope, cool and cold. The images of yellow are health and happiness. The images of green are nature, relaxation and peace. The images of orange are friendship, sun and brightness.
Your opinion about the topic and reason:
I disagree with the opinion that young girls like pink very much. Indeed, some likes pink, but there are a lot of young girls who like another color. After all, I think it depeds on sensitivity.
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